Fire & Clay 2022

Fire & Clay 2022 showcases and awards the outstanding pottery and ceramics of members of Auckland Studio Potters (ASP). ASP is delighted to announce the selector and judge this year is Richard Fahey.

Richard Fahey is a senior lecturer in Design and Contemporary Arts at Unitec, Auckland. His research activity is focused on material culture of Aotearoa. As an independent writer, critic and advocate, he addresses contemporary cultural production and its reception via the historical and institutional contexts of education, critical discourse, collection and exhibition. His research takes the forms of writing, curating and participation in the visual arts sector as a teacher, speaker, assessor and critic.

This annual exhibition celebrates excellence in ceramic practice and demonstrates both the depth and breadth of experience of ASP members, who range from senior practitioners to impassioned amateurs, as well as students studying in craft, design or fine arts programmes. The work on show includes functional ware and sculptural pieces, and encompasses a wide variety of making, glazing, and firing techniques.

Scroll down to see images of the exhibited works.

Fire & Clay poster by Ellie Smith, ASP member and Graphic Designer.


Maak Bow, Fire & Clay winner 2021

Exhibited Works

Premier Award

Stuart Spackman Twig/Branch Vase

Stoneware soda fired fueled by wood and gas

Second Merit Award

Susan St Lawrence You Will Prevail

Ceramic, Glazes, Blow Torched Oxides, Resins, Gold Leaf, Wax

ASP Artist in Residence Award

Jackie Muller Fixtures and Fittings

Reclaimed stoneware

Greg Barron Contoured Form

Woodfired porcelain

Rachel Carter Pale grey enclosed vase


Vanessa Ceelen Toasty

Glazed stoneware

Helen Dorresteyn Somnolence

Stoneware, tempera, wax, stainless steel

Siriporn Falcon-Grey Poseidon’s Pickings

Midfired ceramics & acrylic paint

Virginia Henderson Seed Pod 2

Porcelain & stoneware glazes

Joelle March Girl with Rose Crown

Porcelain with lustre

Kate McLean Gravity

Screen Printed Wood Fired Ceramic

Gaeleen Morley Tea Bowls


Ann O’Sullivan Carafe and 4 Cups


Helen Perrett Poison Pot


Elena Renker Faceted Vessel


Duncan Shearer Tea Caddie and Bowl

Woodfired, Soda Glazed

Margaret Sumich Voyaging Aground

Woodfired and Salt Glazed

Elizabeth Walker Blossom Tea Bowls


Andrew Van der Putten Bottle

Terracotta. White Clay Slip. Copper Glaze

Andrew Van der Putten Lidded Jar

Terracotta. White Clay Slip. Copper Glaze

First Merit Award

Rebecca Plowman Teapot


First Time Exhibitor Award

Richard Penn Cog/Machine/Unknown 10


Laura Allen Swan

White stoneware, terra sigillata

Maak Bow It could be nothing it could be everything

Earthenware, 24c Gold, Concrete

Liz Caughey Nga Ripeka

Midfired ceramics with slip

Anna Crichton Who's the silly bugger who moved my socket set

Red and white raku clay. Black and white slip

Jill Duncalfe Fun

Terracotta and slip

Shane Gallagher Flow


Chuck Joseph A Pair of Flat Amphora

Paper clay, stains and glazes

Annie McIver Found Rabbit


Matt McLean Articulation

Sgraffito On Unprocessed Local Clay

Jackie Muller Fixtures and Fittings

Reclaimed Buff Stoneware

Sung Hwan Bobby Park B.T.M Royal

Clay, Glaze, Human hair, Embroidery, Nylon fibres

Claire Preen Graze


Rick Rudd Bowl


Barbara Skelton Te Whakanui I Nga Puia

Midfired Porcelain and Stoneware

Yuko Takahashi Bumped Vase

Woodfired Stoneware

Marilyn Wheeler Tribal Meeting


Andrew Van der Putten Bottle

Terracotta. White Clay Slip. Copper, Iron Glaze

Colin Underdown Te Tahi Rauru Ipu - New Beginnings 1
