Welcome to Auckland Studio Potters.
What type of organisation is Auckland Studio Potters?
ASP is a membership organisation, run by members for members. We rely heavily on our network of volunteers to keep our community centre running. As an ASP member we would like you to be involved in our community in some way. We encourage and recommend that you volunteer time and skills (whatever they be) to help ASP to continue to be the vibrant and amazing place that we know and love. More about the society and its history can be found here.
How do I become a member?
We welcome new members. The process you go through to join our society will depend upon how much experience you have with clay.
If you have previous pottery experience please fill in our online application form on our website and we will be in touch to let you know the next step. The form can be found on this page.
If you are a previous recent member of ASP please email the office and we will send you a payment link. asp@ceramics.co.nz
For those who are new to pottery - our health and safety protocols require that you gain experience with pottery before you become a member. All members are required to have a reasonable level of pottery studio knowledge. We have a beginner level class which if you are successful in enrolling in, can get you to the next level required to become an official ASP member. Please see below for info about enrolling in this class.
If you are unsuccessful in purchasing a spot for our beginners class, you can gain experience from a similar pottery organisation (see below) and then apply to become a member here.
If I am a member does that mean I can do any of the classes and workshops?
Membership does not guarantee you a place in a term class, or in any of our specialist workshops. Any available spots in these classes open up on a first in first served basis.
Workshops happen from time to time and are advertised on the website and through ASP email announcements.
How do I join a class? – I am new to pottery
We have one beginner’s class a week that runs for the length of a school term. These sell out very quickly so we advise that you make yourself aware of the online enrolment date and time, and are on your computer ready to book at that time. Info about the enrolment cycles can be found here and on the beginner’s class page . If you are unsuccessful getting into the beginner’s class you will either need to wait and try again next term, or you can seek out other classes in Auckland – we have listed some other great places at the bottom of this page.
We also have an intermediate level class which follows on from the beginners, however to enrol in this class you must have done the beginners class here at ASP.
How do I join a class? – I have experience with pottery
We have regular classes for society members most mornings and evenings during the week. A small number of spaces become available at the end of each term in our regular weekly classes. These are opened up to members only and can be booked when enrolments go online at the end of each term. These sell out very quickly so we advise that you make yourself aware of the online enrolment date and time, and are on your computer ready to book at that time. Info about the classes and the next enrolment cycle can be found here.
Can I use the studio and the kilns at ASP if I am not in a class?
You need to be a member of ASP to access any of our facilities.
I am not in a class but I want to use the studio – how do I go about this?
Anyone using the studio must be a signed up ASP member – see above. The ASP studio is open for general member use (with a studio use fee) most afternoons, Saturdays and for some periods in school holidays (link to open hours times) Info about facilities and fees can be found here.
Can I fire my pottery at ASP?
We run regular firings through electric and gas kilns at ASP. As a member/student of ASP you will be introduced to how this process works and what the costs are. As with all pottery processes there are sometimes delays, breakages and firing malfunctions.
Can I hire a kiln?
Yes as a member you can hire a kiln. We do have a stand down period of 6 months however if you are a new member so that you can orient yourself around the Centre . This is a health and safety requirement to protect not only yourself but other members and also the longevity of the kilns. This can be negotiated with ASP staff and committee if necessary.
Do you have classes for children/teens?
We have Kids Holiday Programs every school holidays. Again these sell out very quickly so please contact the Centre in advance of holidays to find out the enrolment date. We don’t have after school programs for kids and teens but can recommend the Clay Centre in Ellerslie or Studio One Toi tu in Ponsonby.
Can you recommend any other pottery schools?
If you are unsuccessful in getting in to our beginners class, there are other pottery organizations where you can get pottery experience and tuition.
List of alternative learning centres:
Ayni Pottery: https://ayni.co.nz/?srsltid=AfmBOorXtzSK2J515rOoqSwU5tClQFUX_pSwrnZBvd5H2rpLlsDVLOc4
Falcon Grey Ceramics: https://falcongreyceramics.wordpress.com/
Titirangi Potters: https://www.titirangipotters.nz/classes
The Clay Centre: https://www.theclaycentre.co.nz/
Studio One Toi tu: http://www.studioone.org.nz/whatson/
Mud Studios https://www.mudstudioslimited.com/
The Ceramic College https://ceramiccollege.co.nz/
Clay Studios https://www.claystudios.online/
Rui Ceramics http://www.ruiceramics.co.nz/
Woodbay Studio: https://woodbaystudio.com/artists/
Half Pint Pottery: https://www.halfpintpottery.com/
Arthaus - Workshops where available: https://arthauso.org/
Selwyn Community Education https://www.selwyncomed.school.nz/courses/1480-pottery-beginners/
Uxbridge: https://uxbridge.org.nz/
Nathan Homestead: https://www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz/arts-culture-heritage/arts/art-centres-galleries-theatres/nathan-homestead/Pages/nathan-homestead-centre.aspx
Good Girl Ceramics: https://www.goodgirlceramics.com/
Corbans Estate: https://ceac.org.nz/
Are there health and safety risks in working with clay?
Yes. Check out a broad overview of the hazards in this document.