AiR3 Exhibition
to 13 Apr

AiR3 Exhibition

  • The Arts House Trust, Pah Homestead (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The Artist in Residence programme was established at Auckland Studio Potters in 2019. Applications are called from national and international potters and ceramicists to spend up to three months in one of ASP’s two pod studios on the Centre’s grounds in Onehunga, Tāmaki Makaurau. The ASP committee has identified the residency programme as having the potential to stoke the local fires of a resurgence in ceramic arts worldwide and to provide a creative hub for experimental and traditional ceramics in New Zealand. Resident artists help around the centre and teach where possible and in doing so become valuable contributors to the centre’s whanaungatanga and shared sense of community.

Included artists are recent graduates, PhD candidates, traditional artisans, contemporary exhibiting artists and modern table and homeware specialists. The AiR programme is keen to foster this eclectic cross-section of clay workers and recognises the value in both traditional and contemporary ceramic practices.

AiR3 marks Auckland Studio Potters’ third Artist in Residence exhibition showcasing the work of the ten residents at ASP during 2024. It is a testament to our commitment to developing ASP as a creative institution, its members, and New Zealand ceramics. We do this by looking both inward at the unique inventive spirit of New Zealand-based ceramicists and outward by embracing the ingenuity and distinctive aesthetics of international clay workers into the programme

The artists featured in this year’s exhibition: Beth Harris, Casey Carsel, Erica Soria, Iza Lozano, Katarzyna Miściur, Kirsty McNeil, Riccardo Scott, Sarah Harrison, Taarn Scott, and Shirui Tao.

This exhibition is hosted by The Arts House Trust and is on at The Pah Homestead in Hillsborough. They are open: Tues-Fri 9am-3pm / Sat-Sun 8am-4pm

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to 23 May

Nourish Exhibition

Nourish is an annual exhibition run by Auckland Studio Potters in association with Allpress Studio in Freemans Bay, Auckland. The work is presented by the Auckland Studio Potters membership, who choose their own ceramic domestic ware pieces to be displayed. All pieces are for sale, and there will be a first, second and third prize.

Exhibition opening: 6-8pm Monday 5th May

Allpress hours: Mon-Fri, 7am-2pm

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10:00 am10:00

Mid Winter Market

Auckland Studio Potters members will be selling their wares to the public. Join us for hot drinks, a bite to eat and a chance to buy some lovely pottery made with care.

The market will be hosted outside in our courtyard, so if it’s pelting down with rain, we will hold the market on 27th July.

Dog friendly, child friendly, wheel chair access.

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to 7 Sept

Fire & Clay Exhibition

  • The Arts House Trust, Pah Homestead (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Fire & Clay 2025 showcases and awards the outstanding pottery and ceramics of members of Auckland Studio Potters. The judge of this year’s show will be announced soon…

This annual exhibition celebrates excellence in ceramic practice and demonstrates both the depth and breadth of experience of ASP members, who range from senior practitioners to impassioned amateurs, as well as students studying in craft, design or fine arts programmes. The work on show includes functional ware and sculptural pieces, and encompasses a wide variety of making, glazing, and firing techniques.

Join us for the opening, 5.30pm Thursday 7th August at The Arts House Trust, Pah Homestead, 72 Hillsborough Road, Hillsborough, Auckland 1042

View the show until the 7th September at The Arts House Trust.

Open hours:
Tuesday to Friday, 9am to 3pm
Saturday and Sunday, 8am to 4pm
Closed Mondays and public holidays

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10:00 am10:00

Big Clay Day Out

The Big Clay Day Out is Auckland Studio Potters biggest open day of the year. ASP is a vibrant community with passionate people and we love sharing our potter’s-paradise with our local community.

Join us for a day of pottery sales, fun family activities, live music and delicious food and drink stalls.

Sunday the 7th of December. 10am - 3pm.

Entry is free and all are welcome.

EFTPOS available. Wheelchair access. Dog friendly. Child friendly.

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Big Clay Day Out 2024
10:00 am10:00

Big Clay Day Out 2024

The Big Clay Day Out is Auckland Studio Potters biggest open day of the year. ASP is a vibrant community with passionate people and we love sharing our potter’s-paradise with our local community.

Join us for a day of pottery sales, fun family activities, live music and delicious food and drink stalls.

Sunday the 1st of December. 10am - 3pm.

Entry is free and all are welcome.

EFTPOS available. Wheelchair access. Dog friendly. Child friendly.

Invite your friends on Facebook: (1) Big Clay Day Out 2024 | Facebook

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3:00 pm15:00

Jack Troy and Hamish Jackson Artist Talks

We are delighted to be hosting Jack Troy and and Hamish Jackson for talks on the 22nd of September.
Jack and Hamish will be travelling and working together at Canterbury Potters, Nelson Clay Week and Driving Creek Pottery. The talk in Auckland will be a "clean hands" presentation about the development of their personal work: inspirations, aspirations, accomplishments, all they can express about what makes their work their own. They will be welcoming questions and dialogue from attendees, and both Jack and Hamish will have their own talks lasting about 45 minutes, with a tea break in between.

This is a members-only event. Get in touch with the office to see if any spaces are available for you to come along.

About Jack Troy
Jack Troy is a potter, teacher, and writer, from Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, where he taught at Juniata College for 39 years. This is Jacks 61st year as a potter. He has taught more than 260 workshops in the U. S., Canada, New Zealand, Australia, Great Britain, and other countries, and has worked at the Institute of Ceramic Studies, Jingdezhen, China; he was an Invited Artist at Japan’s Shigaraki Ceramic Cultural Park.
His education in ceramics has included trips to 26 countries. Having published over 100 articles in ceramics publications, he also wrote Salt Glazed Ceramics, Wood Fired Stoneware and Porcelain, as well as Calling the Planet Home, and Giving it up to the Wind [poems].
His work has been exhibited widely, and is in numerous collections, public and private, including the Smithsonian Institution’s Renwick Gallery, Auckland (NZ) Museum of Art, Kalamazoo (Michigan) Institute of Art and Alfred University. He received the 2012 NCECA (National Council for Education in the Ceramic Arts) Excellence in Teaching Award, and gave the closing talk, “Anecdotal Evidence,” (accessible on You Tube) at the 49th NCECA conference in Providence, Rhode Island, in 2015, and was accorded Watershed’s “Legend” status with Paula Winokur and Wayne Higby in 2017.

About Hamish Jackson

Hamish's potting started at Winchcombe Pottery in the Cotswolds, England, in 2012 (just three miles from Stanton, the lovely village where his grandparents lived). Winchcombe Pottery is steeped in history. It was taken over by Michael Cardew in the 1920s and remains a studio pottery today. Working there, he got a taste for production pottery. 

In 2015, him and his wife, Lauren, moved to Pittsboro, North Carolina so he could apprentice with Mark Hewitt. He spent four years apprenticing with him.

After his apprenticeship, in 2018, he worked in potteries in England and Thailand. In 2019, he did a residency at the Shigaraki Cultural Park in Japan, and followed this with a residency at the North Carolina Pottery Center in Seagrove, North Carolina.

Over the past few years, he has become more and more interested in using local wild materials in his craft. This begins with the clay. In North Carolina, he began mixing my own clay and also experimenting with local rocks to make glazes.

In 2020, he began the MFA program in ceramics at Utah State University in Logan, Utah. Over three years there, he studied glaze chemistry using local materials. He took geology classes, which helped him focus his research. His thesis show was titled “Tea time with the Devil”; it showcased four glazes made primarily with one local granite from Devil’s Playground in northwestern Utah.

In the summer of 2023, he began working at Pleasant Hill Pottery, near Eugene, Oregon, as artist in residence.

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Holding Space, a Time and Place. Exhibition by Sarah Harrison
to 22 Sept

Holding Space, a Time and Place. Exhibition by Sarah Harrison

  • Auckland Studio Potters Inc (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Holding Space, a time and place is a sample of the work created by Sarah Harrison during her 3 month residency at ASP that will draw to a close at the end of September.

Sarah has operated her studio ‘Shoal Bay Pottery’ in relative isolation out on Aotea, Great Barrier Island for 30 years now and has relished the opportunity to have the use of a studio space in the foreign environment of the city.

Her main objective for her time at ASP was connection with the local clay community whilst gently continuing her practise of high fired domesticware with a sprinkle of experimentation along the way, in response to the new setting.

Sarah’s plan after a few more ceramics related activities on the mainland is to return home in time for Summer with a head full of inspiration and a whole list of new clay friends from ASP that she’s looking forward to holding space for out on the island.

View the exhibition in ASP’s Pool Room Gallery from Tuesday 10th September until Sunday 22nd September. During this time ASP will be open Mondays-Thursdays, 9am-5pm; Fridays, 9am-3pm; Saturdays, 10am-4pm and Sunday 22nd Sep, 3-5pm.

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to 15 Sept

Fire & Clay Exhibition

  • Arts House Trust, Pah Homestead (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Fire & Clay 2024 showcases and awards the outstanding pottery and ceramics of members of Auckland Studio Potters. The judge of this year’s show will be announced soon…

This annual exhibition celebrates excellence in ceramic practice and demonstrates both the depth and breadth of experience of ASP members, who range from senior practitioners to impassioned amateurs, as well as students studying in craft, design or fine arts programmes. The work on show includes functional ware and sculptural pieces, and encompasses a wide variety of making, glazing, and firing techniques.

Join us for the opening, 6pm Wednesday 14th August at The Arts House Trust, Pah Homestead, 72 Hillsborough Road, Hillsborough, Auckland 1042

View the show until the 15th August at The Arts House Trust.

Open hours:
Tuesday to Friday, 9am to 3pm
Saturday and Sunday, 8am to 5pm
Closed Mondays and public holidays

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Mid Winter Market
10:00 am10:00

Mid Winter Market

Auckland Studio Potters members will be selling their wares to the public. Join us for hot drinks, a bite to eat and a chance to buy some lovely pottery made with care.

The market will be hosted outside in our courtyard, so if it’s pelting down with rain, we will hold the market on 4th August.

Dog friendly, child friendly, wheel chair access.

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Nourish Exhibition
to 5 Jul

Nourish Exhibition

Nourish is an annual exhibition run by Auckland Studio Potters in association with Allpress Studio in Freemans Bay, Auckland. The work is presented by the Auckland Studio Potters membership, who choose their own ceramic domestic ware pieces to be displayed. All pieces are for sale, and there will be a first, second and third prize; judged by esteemed potter Peter Lange.

Exhibition opening: 6-8pm Monday 17th June

Allpress hours: Mon-Fri, 7am-2pm

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Exhibition in Pool Room Gallery
6:00 pm18:00

Exhibition in Pool Room Gallery

Experience the interplay of light, sound and sculpture.

A collaboration with Clay.

As a snake sheds its skin… we evolve. A story of transformation.

Clay work by Erica Soria

Moments captured by Sam Young

Join us for the opening in our Pool Room Gallery at ASP on Monday 10th June, 6pm. View the show until 4pm Saturday 15th June at Auckland Studio Potters.

If you can’t make the above dates, you have the opportunity to see the show 18th June - 19th July at Erica’s studio: Ayni Pottery Studio in La Gonda Arcade, basement/203 Karangahape Road, Auckland CBD. Get in touch with Erica for open hours via email:

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2:00 pm14:00

Ceramic Swap

Hello fellow potters, ceramists and clay artists, let’s get Auckland regional members acquainted!

Ceramics NZ has collaborated with Auckland Studio Potters and we are hosting a ceramic swap.

Bring a small item to exchange, mingle with other members and have a fun night sharing your love for clay!

Feel free to bring nibbles, drinks will be provided.

Meet your regional council member Siriporn Falcon Grey.

Bookings are essential:

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Big Clay Day Out 2023
10:00 am10:00

Big Clay Day Out 2023

The Big Clay Day Out is Auckland Studio Potters biggest fundraising event of the year, and we are very happy to announce that it is going ahead this year.

Join us for a day of pottery sales, fun family activities and food and drink stalls.

Sunday the 3rd of December. 10am - 3pm.

EFTPOS available.

Covid19 precautions will be in place including hand sanitizer stations

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to 31 Oct


.X > 1 - Hoping for Success, Celebrating Failure!

X > 1 is conceived as an exhibition of collaborative work made by members of the Auckland Studio Potters community. At least one member of the collaborator team must be an ASP member.

Collaborations are inherently experimental as two or more brains impose their will on the same object. Each collaboration is different and the resultant work is the product of the process itself which can either be utterly chaotic and serendipitous or a planned and regimented division of labour. Either way, an element of surprise is inevitable as multiple minds come together. This coming together can be a soft melding of forms as of two soap bubbles bouncing off one another and then gently coalescing or a violent collision of skulls that leaves nothing but annihilation and concussion in it’s wake. Between these two poles are the rubbing together of balloon and hair to create the unseen magic of static electricity as well as the simple successes of like minded vessels doing something ‘nice’ together.

The important thing about the collaboration is not always the thing made but the process of engaging with other minds and the tiny cracks that let the chaos in. In pursuit of making this aspect apparent, X > 1 collaborators will be encouraged to document their processes with words and images which will be made available to viewers of the exhibition. Collaborators will also be encouraged to give consent for all work, including the unsuccessful works and ‘failures’, to be exhibited alongside their process documentation. These collaborations can also take ceramicists out of the ceramics studio where they can collaborate with chefs or arborists; arsonists or belly dancers - anything goes.

In order to make potential artist/potters aware of and inspired by the spirit of X > 1 outlined above, I will host some evening talks at ASP and at Depot Artspace during which these ideas and processes will be discussed and workshopped including the collaborative processes of other artists like Picasso and Man Ray, Warhol and Basquiat and others. We will also look at collaborative processes such as the surrealist Exquisite Corpse and how that process might be worked into a ceramic project.

So the exhibition will include all forms of pottery as well as more contemporary iterations of ceramic sculpture and experimental works. Part of my job as curator will be to encourage participating makers to allow the collaborative process to become as much a part of the show as the objects themselves.

Participating artists will be drawn from the pool of ASP members but is not confined to the member pool. ASP potters and ceramicists can collaborate with anyone outside of ASP and these collaborators need not be ceramicists at all. Participating artists can include sculptors, painters, dancers, poets etc and really depends on the contacts, friends and acquaintances of the members. I will hold a few open, introductory talks at ASP (with cheese and wine) at which ideas for collaboration can be workshopped and discussed. The aim of these talks will be to inspire potential collaborators and generate energy and excitement for the show and the process. I will also invite artists and non ceramic makers that I have met here in Aotearoa to these talks in order to push the inter disciplinary nature of collaboration.

Richard Penn

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to 17 Sept

Fire and Clay Exhibition

Fire and Clay is an annual ceramics exhibition that is open to all ASP members to enter. This means the show will be a collection of varied works, from sculptural to functional. This year’s exhibition judge is Peter Hawkesby, who will make the selection of pieces to be exhibited and who wins the prizes.

Fire and Clay will be on at the Pah Homestead, 72 Hillsborough Road. 17th August - 17th September. Tue-Fri: 9am-3pm, Sat-Sun: 8am-5pm. Opening event at 6pm on Wednesday 16th August.

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to 13 Jul

Nourish Exhibition

Nourish Exhibition is our annual functional domestic ware exhibition and awards at Allpress Gallery in Freemans Bay. Open to all members.

There will be an opening and awards ceremony on Monday the 26th June at 6pm.

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to 5 May

Graham Ambrose 'Double Wall Journey' Exhibition

  • Auckland Studio Potters Inc (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

‘Double Wall Journey’ is Graham’s private collection of work that he has created over the last 20 or so years. You do not want to miss this special exhibition by an incredible New Zealand studio potter, whose work can be found in private collections all over the world.

“I was inspired by the process of throwing them all upside down and have been very happy with the results I’ve had.”

Graham is particularly known for his mastery of a bold red glaze that complements these unadorned shapes.

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to 13 Apr

Sylvie Joly - End of Residency Exhibition

  • Auckland Studio Potters Inc (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

“My practice in the UK is mainly with functional ceramics fired in an electric kiln (i.e., in oxidation). I came to ASP keen to experiment with NZ clays and fired in reduction (gas kiln/wood-fired kiln). Most of the pots on display are a result of mixing different clays, varying the proportions but applying the same glazes. Sometimes the difference in surface is subtle and sometimes dramatic. I always leave some of the exterior unglazed to show off the fired clay colour. My time as artist in residence at Auckland Studio Potters has allowed me to experiment with new forms and make larger pieces.”

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